Minggu, 24 September 2017

Why More and More States Are Starting to Pay Greater Attention to Early Childhood Education Programs

Just a few years back, very few state education departments in the USA showed any willingness to devote their attention and resources to early childhood education programs. In those days, most of the attention would be focused on elementary, secondary and college education programs, leaving the early childhood system largely uncared for. The reasoning behind this was quite simple: that early childhood education didn't matter, and that resources would be better spent if devoted to the higher education systems (where output is usually more tangible and hence more quantifiable).

Fast forward to today, and we see more and states devoting considerable resources and attention to the early childhood education system. There are a number of ways through which this is manifesting. We are, for instance, seeing more and more childhood education centers being built in low income areas, to encourage parents who wouldn't otherwise put their children through ECD to do so. Many state governments are also employing more and more early child educators. And supervision for early child educators, even those not in the government payroll, is being tightened, to ensure that it is a quality education they are giving kids. In many states, we are increasingly seeing people aspiring to become early child educators being put through licensing processes. And more often than not, one of the conditions for licensure is that the person must have a good understanding of early education techniques - with quite a good number requiring aspiring ECD teachers to have degrees in the discipline.
So, the question that comes up is as to why more and more governments are paying closer attention to early childhood education.

And while several factors can be seen as being the trend where more and more state governments are paying closer attention to early education, it turns out that their efforts in that regard are mostly being informed by findings from education research. Those are findings to the effect that the quality of childhood education a person gets is one of the key determinants of that person's educational achievement over a lifetime. This is where it emerges that people who receive good quality early education tend to go on to become educational achievers, with people who receive poor quality early childhood education (or no ECD at all) going on to become non-achievers education-wise, regardless of their natural abilities. The mechanism via which this trend manifests, it seems, is via the fact that it is in the ECD system that 'attitudes to learning' are developed. It follows, then, that good ECD would develop good attitudes to learning in learners, whereas poor ECD makes them averse to learning.

Governments are increasingly becoming awake to the fact that although the results of early education may not be directly quantifiable, childhood education still has a very huge impact on the rest of the education system over the years. Thus, they become aware to the fact that devotion of resources and attention into the early childhood is, in fact, an investment into future success for the (whole) education system. Conversely, it is now widely understood that neglecting childhood education would do the whole education system a lot of harm in the longer run. That would be happening as students with poor attitudes to learning (thanks to poor early childhood education) go through the system, and probably come out of it without attaining their fullest potential.

Senin, 11 September 2017

How to Find the Best Early Childhood Education Degree Program

Early childhood education is an imperative aspect of the education field. It is no secret that young children are extremely impressionable - and any positive learning experiences that they can encounter can impact them in a substantial way. Even as advancing technology substantially changes the way that various ages of children and young people are learning, certain teaching methods and education techniques have remained the same and are still just as effective today as they were many years ago. Because studies have proven that 85% of a child's personality is developed before the young age of six, early childhood education is an imperative part of a young person's life.

Early childhood education involves the shaping of the emotional, social, physical, intellectual and cognitive skill set of a young child. Professional early childhood educators are specially trained to positively impact young children and help them grow into intelligent and effective adults. Even though primary care facilitators and a child's parents play a significant role in a child's life, early childhood instructors provide nurturing education-oriented attention to a child. Teachers should also closely involve a student's parents during a child's education to ensure that he or she receives the best and most effective type of education.

Do you wish to pursue degree program training in the early childhood development field? Do you enjoy working with young children and watching them develop? Are you patient, encouraging and kind? Can you help young students who may possess severe or mild learning disabilities? Many schools, like the McCann School of Business and Technology, offer convenient courses and hands-on classes that quickly prepare students like you for a career in early childhood education.

Students who enroll in training classes in the area of early childhood education will acquire standard degree program instruction for this important field. Once these students graduate, they are able to obtain careers in pre-schools, primary schools, day care centers and nursery schools.

Courses will teach students the basics of early childhood education. They will learn about:

    Establishing a creative, encouraging and nurturing learning atmosphere.
    Helping students in the classroom and at home - instructors will closely involve a student's parents and encourage parent-teacher interaction during the process of learning.
    Developing age-appropriate lesson plans that are fun, educational and interactive. Instructors will place a strong emphasis on learning through ways which are fun and positive to the student.
    Assisting students with special needs and learning disabilities. Students will become familiar with instruction methods that help students who may have difficulty with the learning process.
    Providing any necessary care for young children, learn to focus on the emotional, social, physical and cognitive development of a child.
    Collaborating with other early childhood education instructors to develop the most appropriate education plans for certain age groups.